It may be hot as doodoo but let's not forgot our wailing and gnashing of teeth just a few short months ago as the bitter cold beat us down. Personally, I love summer so much that I will gladly take the heat. Just thinking about the coming Fall then Winter gives me a little shudder.
One event that I know will take the edge off falls right before the Winter madness and that is THE DAY OF THE DEAD SHOW!!!
For those of you who haven't experienced the Mexican Day of the Dead tradition, it is basically a way to honor relatives who have died by devoting several days to their memory. The official holiday is November 2nd and leading up to that day, loved-ones build altars devoted to these relatives. They can be as simple as a photo with flowers or can stretch from floor to ceiling, loaded with all their favorite foods, huge bouquets, candles, and indulgences such as tobacco, chocolate and meth. (joke)
Please help us spread the word about Young Blood's contribution to this beautiful tradition. Our two lovely friends, Shannon Mulkey and Tracy Wagner are helping us organize a group art show where Atlanta artists will have their way with miniature coffins along with a big ass throw-down where we'll all drink, eat and dance our faces off while remembering days gone by with the departed souls in our lives. It's a tradition I admire more than most and I would love to share it with all of you!
Love until death and beyond!

Coffin from 2008 show by Sanithna Phansavanh.
He is the solo artist in our September art show!

Coffin by Mikey Jenkins,
2008 show
Day of the Dead Show
Saturday October 30, 2010 - Sunday November 28th.
Opening party will be Saturday Oct 30th from 7pm-1pm.
The show will consist of 17”(h) x 7”(w) x 4" (d) handmade wooden coffins by local artists. We are providing the coffins, hosting the opening and doing all promotion for the event.
We are asking that each artist contribute $20 for the cost of the coffin and opening expenses. Beyond that, each artist is free to sell their piece for up to $500. Young Blood takes 50% off the top, so please keep that in mind when pricing. Additional coffins can be purchased for $15 & you can make as many as you’d like!
If you participated in the show last year and have left over coffins, you are welcome to use them at no cost, just be sure to let us know so we can include you in the program. We are asking that new artists submit 2 photos of their work.
The deadlines are as follows:
• August 23- please respond to call for entries and pay for coffins
Please send checks to:
Tracy Wagner
2242 Venetian Drive
Atlanta, GA 30311
or paypal tracy@tracywagner.net
You can email: tracy@tracywagner.net to arrange alternate payment.
Once we get a count on how many artists are participating, we’ll email everyone to let you know when the coffins are ready.
• Oct 1- If you are interested in having your coffin photographed for the press release –please email tracy
• Oct 20- coffin deadline – please email tracy for drop off locations
• Oct 30- opening party
• Nov 28– Pick up coffins

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